Friday, March 18, 2016

New Mission Statement for Imagine!

We are excited to announce that Imagine! has updated its Mission Statement!  The new Mission Statement is short and sweet, while still clearly identifying what we are trying to accomplish here at Imagine!.  One notable change is that the word "disability" is no longer part of our Mission.  We determined that the word "disability" is limiting both to Imagine! as an organization, and in regards to the people we serve.  We choose to focus on the things people can and want to do, instead of what they struggle with.

Thank you all for everything you do to help Imagine! fulfill this important mission!

To learn more, click here to read CEO Mark Emery's blog post, and watch him talk about the new Mission in the video below.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Super Hero of the Month for February!

Every month, Innovations presents the “Super Hero of the Month” award to the employee or provider who has best demonstrated excellence in one or more of our Innovations Quality Standards:
  • Health, Safety, and Wellbeing
  • Effective and Efficient
  • Respect and Dignity
  • Opportunities
  • Integrity
  • Care

This month, the award was presented to Alex Prokop, who is a Primary Residential Counselor for our the Charles Family Group Home (one of our two Smart Homes).

Alex was nominated by his supervisor, who wrote:

I would like to nominate Alex Prokop as the Super Hero of the Month.  He has done numerous things recently to help out at the Charles Family Group Home, which have made a big difference for the individuals he serves as well as his co-workers.  One night while I was working with Alex, another staff was not able to work their shift and Alex stepped up to the plate.  Alex and I worked the shift together and he was amazing.  He was organized and efficient with everything that he did.  He passed meds, cooked dinner, and did bedtime routines - and all with a smile.  He also agreed to fill in at the last minute for a co-worker who was having a family emergency.  Alex exemplified everything that makes an employee a Super Hero and it is very much appreciated.

If you see Alex around, please congratulate him on being our Super Hero of the Month!